Disciple Leadership

 What does leadership mean to you?  For me personally, I think it means to genuinely connect with people, empowering them and making a difference in their lives.  If you serve with love, a good heart, and kindness, then consider yourself a disciple leader!  So what exactly does that mean?  

There is an amazing talk that Kim B. Clark gives about disciple leadership, which I think you should give a read!  She states that, "The call to be a disciple-leader is a call to minister and to serve.  It is a call to lead as Christ leads.  It is leadership with a small “L”—the kind of leadership that builds and lifts and inspires through kindness and love and unselfish devotion to the Lord and His work."

So if you want to be a disciple leader, here are three principles that you can apply in your life: 

1. Lead by Example - What can you do to build unity with others? What are you doing to share the gospel?  When you have opportunities to lead, you are able to lead in Christ like ways.  Think of how you are teaching children, friends, or adults. Are you teaching them to follow the path of righteousness?  As Kim says, "The best way to lead them in that path is to be in that path yourselves."

2. Lead with Vision - How are you providing focus and direction? "He gives us the vision of what we should do in our daily lives and what we might accomplish eternally if we will follow Him.  One of the most important things that leaders do is to help the people they lead understand the larger meaning and purpose of their daily work." 

3. Lead with Love -  Do you genuinely care about people? Do you offer words of encouragement and appreciation? If you are a faithful disciple of Christ, you will put love into action.

Who do you know that leads with example, vision, and love?  And do you want to be like that person?  Do you look up to them?

For me, I look up to a lot of people, but the perfect disciple leader to me will always be Jesus Christ.  He served with love, compassion, selflessness, faith, etc. In the scriptures, there are so many stories of him that involve miracles & trials.  He wanted to teach and lead those to find their way back to Heavenly Father.  Therefore, he was chosen and foreordained to be our Savior. OUR LEADER!

In Abraham 3:27 it says:

"And the Lord said: Whom shall I send?  And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me."

So with that said, I think it's amazing how the Savior chose to be sent to earth to help us.  He lived to serve others. He is a wonderful leader and a perfect example!

If you want to read more into being a Disciple Leader and our Savior, 

        click right here!🠟🠟🠟

Disciple leadership Talk

Our Savior


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