Interview Yourself

  A few years ago, I attended a devotional where President Ballard bore testimony, encouraging us young single adults to have an interview with ourselves.  These were his words:

"Go find a tree.  Sit under it with your scriptures and think for a minute about your own life.  That's quite an experience.  If you haven't done it recently, do it!  You get interviewed  by your bishop, your folks, maybe your Stake President... but the most important interview you can have is with yourself.  You need to do that on a regular basis.  All of us!  We need to sit down under a tree, with our scriptures in our lap and say to ourselves:

How am I doing?

What can I do better?

What should I be doing that I'm not doing?"

I attempted this experience two years ago and sat under a tree.  With my scriptures in hand, I asked myself, "How am I doing?  And am I okay?"  As I pondered about life, a few random questions popped into my mind:

What makes you, you?

What are your gifts and attributes?

What makes you happy?

What are your life long goals?

It took a minute to write down a few of my thoughts.  Since I am the type of person that needs to receive approval and advice from others, I started to type a text message.  Out of nowhere, a strong voice inside my head exclaimed, "No!  These are questions you need to answer for yourself!"  That's when I realized how long I've been pleasing others, making them happy and not for myself.  There have been times in my life where people doubted my abilities and perceived me as something else.  I still remember every insult and negative feedback.  It destroyed my self-confidence, so I stopped believing in myself at the age of 19.  People influenced my brain so easily, especially when it came to my education, goals, friendships, careers, dating, etc.  I questioned every little decision I made throughout my life seeking approval and making sure I did the right thing.  What exactly is the right thing to do?

"Everyone's life is different.  Everyone's journey is different.  Everyone's purpose is different."

We are all unique!  We all developed certain characteristics and attributes in the pre-existence that we brought with us to this life.  We were sent to earth for a reason and to seek out our own answers.  So why are you here?  Instead of relying on others, rely on Heavenly Father and his love for you.  As Gordon B. Hinckley says, "Don't sell yourself short.  Don't cheapen yourselves.  You know who you are.  Know that you are a child of God and that your Heavenly Father expects something great and noble and good of each of you."

Heavenly Father knows you better than anyone else!  So stop listening to the world and have an interview by yourself.  The next time you're out in nature, grab your scriptures, a journal, and your patriarchal blessing.  If you don't have one, you should definitely get one.  

So with that said, sit underneath a tree and write down these five questions:

1. How am I doing?

2. How can I do better?

3. What should I be doing that I'm not doing?

4. What are your gifts and attributes?

5. What makes you happy?

Now here's something to remember... Do what you love!!


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